Senkō-ji (全興寺) in Hirano-ku, Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
While in this world, you can see the both hell and paradise. Which world are you going to? The word " paradise and hell" is often heard in the world.... 続きをみる
Senkō-ji (全興寺) in Hirano-ku, Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
While in this world, you can see the both hell and paradise. Which world are you going to? The word " paradise and hell" is often heard in the world.... 続きをみる
【Shinto and Christianity】「神道とキリスト教」
"Christianity" is said that probably the most documented and studied minority religion in Japan". The Japanese history behind this Western movement i... 続きをみる
【Ittou-seki】is a huge stone with approximately 7m in all directions in Yagyūi-cho, Nara City.Muneyoshi Yagyū thought this huge stone was Tengu (long-... 続きをみる
【Amano Iwate Tatejinja 】 (天石立神社)in Yagyūi-cho, Nara City
【Amano Iwate Tatejinja 】 (天石立神社)in Yagyūi-cho, Nara City 【Amano Iwate Tatejinja 】 (天石立神社) is a Shinto shrine located in Iwato Valley, Yanagi-cho, Nar... 続きをみる
【Masuda-no-Iwafune / 益田岩船】Kashiwara-shi, Nara Prefecture
【Masuda-no-Iwafune / 益田岩船】Kashiwara-shi, Nara Prefecture There is a man-made object atop the mountain, with square holes made in a boulder inferred t... 続きをみる
Takayasu-Chizuka ancient tombs「高安千塚古墳群」in Yao city, Osaka The Takayasu Kofun Group is an ancient tomb group distributed in the foot of Mt. Takayasu, ... 続きをみる
YATAGARASU 八咫烏 / Three-legged crow
Yatagarasu, The three-legged (or tripedal) crow (simplified Chinese: 三足乌; traditional Chinese: 三足烏; pinyin: sān zú wū) is a creature found in various... 続きをみる
【Iwafune Shrine】Spiritual Huge Rock Boat / Katano City, Osaka
【Iwafune Shrine】Spiritual Huge Rock Boat / Katano City, Osaka 【Iwafune Shrine】磐船神社 is a unique Shinto shrine in Osaka. The object of worship is a gia... 続きをみる
Summer festival (Matsuri) and night stall (Yomise) in Japan
In summer, one of the most attractive things about Japanese summer is traditional summer festivals called “Matsuri” held across the country during t... 続きをみる
Explanation of Shinto Shrines (jinja) / 20 objects related to Shinto shrines
Explanation of Shinto Shrines (jinja) This is a guide to inform you of 20 objects related to Shinto shrines. 1. Forests around the Shinto shrine Sin... 続きをみる
A shrine is where Shinto is practiced. A temple is where Buddhism is practiced. A simple way to distinguish is if there is a guard frame, called Tori... 続きをみる
Kashimura-Inari Shrine / Yao city, Osaka
The origin of Kashimura-Inari Shrine Kashimura-Inari Shrine For many years ago the old Yamato River flowed around here and the frequent floods cause ... 続きをみる
A Shinto shrine (神社)jinja, archaic: shinsha, meaning : "place of the god is a structure whose main purpose is to house ("enshrine") one or more kami.... 続きをみる
【神道】(しんとう、しんどう)【Shinto】 Japanese spirit
「神道」(しんとう、しんどう)は、日本の宗教。惟神道(かんながらのみち)ともいう。教典や具体的な教えはなく、開祖もおらず、神話、八百万の神、自然や自然現象などにもとづく多神教。自然と神とは一体として認識され、神と人間を結ぶ具体的作法が祭祀であり、その祭祀を行う場所が神社であり、聖域とされた。 神道... 続きをみる
【日本神話に見る日本人の和の心】Japanese hearts of ”WA" seen in Japanese mythology
現在、全国の神社数は約8万社と言われています。実際には宗教法人格をもっていない神社もあり、これらの神社は除かれます。また、神道協会という形態もあり、全国の性格な神社数はわからないのが現状です。 神社は、祈りや人生儀礼を通じて絆を深める場所であり、都会の中においては「鎮守の杜」という自然を持ち、連綿... 続きをみる
【都留彌神社】(つるみじんじゃ) 大阪府東大阪市 祭神は、速秋津日子神、速秋津比売神、推古天皇、菅原道眞。明治43年布施村足代に在った神社を現社地の鹿島時神社に合祀し都留彌神社の社名を継承した都留彌は都留美島の省略で旧大和川につるむ(交尾の意)一対の美しい島があり、これが神名となり豊漁を祈ったもの... 続きをみる